AGM / Season Opening Event – Buy As a Member

Product Description

Sep 21, 2014


Every September, the Friends of the NAC Orchestra hosts our Season Opening Event. We officially wrap up our previous season with a brief Annual General Meeting (AGM) and launch our new season with a brunch and concert. The guest performer is our most recent winner of the Friends Bursary, which is awarded each year to a young artist.

The Season Opener is a great opportunity to socialize with other members and meet some of the Orchestra’s musicians who attend the brunch. It also provides an opportunity for new members to join.

Annual reports and information on the AGM are sent out to members by e-mail or mail about a month before the meeting.


Date: September 21, 2014
Venue: NAC Panoramic Room
Tickets: Free for members
$15 for Non-Members
11:00 a.m. Registration of new members
(Memberships are available at the door)
Members may renew for September and October 2014
11:30 a.m. Annual General Meeting
noon Full-plated sit-down Brunch

A musical interlude will feature the 2014 National Arts Centre Orchestra Bursary winner, flutist Lara Deutsch.

RSVP by Sept. 17, 2014 (deadline is FIRM) with your name(s) and phone number(s) to the Friends’ hotline, 613 947-7000 ext. 590

(Please note that, due to the expected large volume of responses, we are very sorry that we will not be able to return calls.)